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Velocity Injury Law Blog

Insurance and injury law is constantly changing through changes in the law, new judicial decisions, and changes in the political landscape. We believe that it is important for us as injury lawyers stay informed of these changes, so that we can better serve our clients. We also believe that it is important to share this information with accident victims and the general public, so that they can be better informed of their rights in the event of an accident.

When your auto insurer refuses to pay benefits

Posted on May 4, 2017

Unfortunately, many a person injured in a motor vehicle accident is familiar with at least one denial of statutory accident

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How to Request Medical & Rehabilitation Benefits From Your Insurance Company

Posted on April 18, 2017

If you have been hurt in an automobile accident and need medical and rehabilitation statutory accident benefits (“SABs”), this blog will help

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Housekeeping and Home Maintenance Statutory Accident Benefits

Posted on April 10, 2017

Our recent blogs have addressed various automobile insurance benefits known as Statutory Accident Benefits. Some of these benefits, often called

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Income Replacement and Non-Earner Statutory Accident Benefits

Posted on April 3, 2017

In last week’s blog we addressed specific automobile insurance benefits that can help an injured insured person pay expenses related to his

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Medical, Rehabilitation and Attendant Care Benefits

Posted on March 27, 2017

If you are hurt in an automobile accident you are entitled to request the payment of certain benefits from your

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Auto Insurance Policy Coverage – What It Means For The Plaintiff and the Defendant

Posted on March 26, 2017

The amount of third-party liability coverage on an automobile insurance policy is highly relevant to a personal injury lawsuit. The

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What Role Does Your Doctor Play In Your Lawsuit?

Posted on March 20, 2017

If you are a plaintiff in a personal injury lawsuit, your doctor is – and will be – one of the most

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Why Choose Velocity Injury Law

Posted on March 8, 2017

Ruth and Melanie discuss how Velocity Injury Law works with you and for you, as well as why the Brain

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We wish we could give clients their old lives back. Fortunately, we can do the next best thing: give them back the sense of security they had before their accident and help them rebuild their lives. This involves obtaining a fair monetary settlement and secure rehabilitation for an alternative future path in a reasonable amount of time.
Call Velocity Injury Law at 519-946-4300
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In The Community

The lawyers and staff of Velocity Injury Law can often be found out in the community. Whether we are volunteering for charitable organizations, serving as members of local boards, or participating in recreational and fundraising events, we enjoy being actively involved in and giving back to our community.

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