Using other available benefits before using statutory accident benefits

Posted on June 19, 2017

In an earlier blog, we discussed how to request medical and rehabilitation benefits from your automobile insurance company if you have been injured in a car accident.
As you’re filling out your Application for Accident Benefits, you will have to indicate if you (or your spouse, or anyone you are dependent on) have any other benefit plan that covers you. Common “other” plans include a group or private health insurance policy. For example, you might have medical or dental coverage through your employer that provides payment for chiropractic therapy, physiotherapy, massage therapy, and/or assistive devices.
Your statutory accident benefits insurer is not required to pay you any medical or rehabilitation benefits if these expenses are payable through another available insurer. In fact, you must submit a claim to your “other” insurer(s) before submitting it to your automobile insurance company.
Some group or private insurers will not pay for medical or rehabilitation expenses related to an automobile accident, or they will only pay up to a certain amount. If this is the case for you, you would seek benefits through your automobile insurer. It is a good idea to keep a copy of the “denial” letter from your other insurer and to submit it to your automobile insurer along with your claim.
This article is not a substitute for legal advice. If you have any questions, please contact us at 519-946-4300.

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