“Should I bring a lawsuit?” We will give you our opinion. For free.

Posted on February 6, 2017

If you have been hurt in a motor vehicle collision, a slip and fall, or other accident, we will meet with you, for free, to give you our legal opinion on whether or not you have a case. We will answer every question you have about lawsuits, no matter how many questions you ask. If we think we can help you, we will tell you how.
What can we tell you when you first meet with us? Quite a bit. The following are some examples of the questions we can answer:
- Do I have a case? Why or why not?
- How do you get paid as my personal injury lawyer?
- When can I start my lawsuit?
- Who will know that I am bringing a lawsuit? Will my work know?
- What are the various “steps” in a lawsuit?
- Will I have to go to court?
- How long will my lawsuit take?
- How much money do you think I might get?
- Why is my medical history relevant?
- Why do I need to provide my income tax returns?
- Can defence counsel look at my social media?
- Will defence counsel get to ask me questions?
- Will the person who caused the accident get to ask me questions?
- How do I access the health and income replacement benefits through my auto insurance company?
- If I bring a lawsuit, will my auto insurance premiums go up?
- Can I change auto insurance companies after I start a lawsuit?
- Can I bring a lawsuit on behalf of my injured child?
- What if the injured person is not me, but, rather, a loved one who suffered a brain injury and is not mentally capable of bringing a lawsuit him- or herself?
- How will my lawsuit be affected if I am on OW or ODSP?
- What is kept confidential between us and what is shared with defence counsel?
- What if I want to stop my lawsuit before it resolves?e following are some examples of the questions we can answer:
At Velocity Injury Law your first meeting will be with a lawyer (and it will be with the lawyer who will actually handle your case). You are not restricted to 30 minutes on your initial consultation. The ENTIRE meeting is free. You will not have to pay anything for that meeting, and after the meeting, you are under no obligation to hire us. Resolve any uncertainties you might have about starting a lawsuit call us and make an appointment to come in. We have free, handicap accessible, parking. We are here to help. 519-946-4300.
This article is not a substitute for legal advice. If you have any questions, please contact us at 519-946-4300.

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