Ah. Spring!

Posted on April 18, 2022
The sound of water rushing down the sewers as the snow melts is music to my ears. It makes me happy. It’s a welcome “good bye and good riddance” to the last remnants of the dirty snow piles on the sides of sidewalks and in corners of parking lots.
Ah. Spring! My favourite season.
Here are my Top 5 reasons to love spring!
Stamping The First Robin
I am waiting to see my first robin of the season so I can stamp it. Have you heard of this tradition or is it just something my parents taught me? Let me consult google………okay whew! It is a thing “people” do. Not just us folk who grew up in the county.
Here’s what I was taught. You keep a look out for the first robin you see. Then you make a wish and lick your right thumb. (Given the heightened awareness of germs, maybe wash your hands first.). Then you make a fist with the left hand. You draw the right thumb across the clenched fist and then “stamp” the fist with your right fist. I feel like this article should come with an instructional video. Consult our Velocity Injury Law Facebook Page and I will post one…..as soon as I see my first robin of spring. The video needs to be authentic!
So if winter gives us one thing, it’s the return of spring birds and the chance to make an annual spring wish!
Easter Fun
I asked the ladies I work with the share some of their favourite Easter memories or traditions. Rochelle and her extended family have a tradition of spending Good Friday together. Celina admits to eating too many of those foil wrapped eggs and regretting it later. (I can relate.) Laura puts her adorable guinea pig Sybil in a basket of eggs for an annual photo shoot. If you love guinea pigs, follow Sybil. She’s famous and has her own Instagram Page called thesybrillife.
My favourite Easter memory comes from my later-childhood years. My mom was tired of hearing the 4 kids argue over who got “more” eggs. So she did something ingenious. She tied a piece of yard to each kid’s bedpost and then strung 4 different coloured balls of yarn around the house. When you got up, you would start rolling your ball of yarn up. When you got to the end there was a basket of treats hiding in a cupboard somewhere. Such fun!
Outside Activities
Biking, rollerblading, hikes and playgrounds! I love that you can actually enjoy being outside in the warmer weather. Even if it’s the sun is weak on your face at first. This is the spring that my daughter Elina is going to learn to bike without training wheels – with a helmet of course. For years I have been involved with Helmets on Kids. A properly fitted helmet is key for both children and adults. For anyone under 18 years old, it’s the law. For adults, it’s just smart. The human skull is only 3 pennies thick!! Prevention of brain injuries is key. I know far too many people living with brain injuries to take unnecessary chances.
I am obsessed with spring flowers. My absolute all-time favourite are tulips. I planted more this past fall just to enjoy seeing them come up this spring. I’ll take a picture and will post it – as long as the squirrels don’t get them first!
My Birthday
My daughter claims that spring is my favourite season because my birthday is in spring. It’s not the only reason, but it doesn’t hurt.
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